Who can register with ESRA

ESRA welcomes every interested person.

What do I need to register?

To creat an ESRA account you only an valid email.

What fees do you charge?

ESRA is completely free to use. We do not charge any fees.

Can I upload my own music?

Yes, you can. See to upload guide for further information.

Which audio formats do you accept?

ESRA supports a variedty of audio formats and codecs. No matter what you choose, it has to be either uncompressed audio or a lossless codec.

Are there further upload restrictions besides the format?

Yes, audio files must be longer than 30 seconds and shorter than 30 minutes.

Upload large audio collection

The current version of ESRA supports user uploads for single files. An interface for collection uploads is, however, planned. Nevertheless, please reach out to us if you wish to upload a collection.

Can I make my own song publicly available?

No, publication of user content is currently not supported.